The annual Australian Dementia Forum occurred in Hobart on Thursday 13th June and Friday 14th June, with several round table discussions and side events occurring on Wednesday 12th June.
The forum is an annual event held by NHMRC NIDR which is an ‘economical’ way of saying ‘the Australian Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council’s National Institute for Dementia Research.
This resource is designed to assess venues and business premises to help make them more dementia assessable. This work is based on the E.A.T (Environmental Assessment Tool) available from Dementia Training Australia
The resource is in two parts – an assessment guide providing background knowledge and ideas of how you may implement as successful assessment of a venue and a separate workbook you can use to carry out the assessment.
The following is a ‘practice’ run of a presentation (to be) given at the Uni Bar – The University of Wollongong on May 28th.
I was proud to be invited to do this presentation, but doubly so because my oldest son was able to attend.
Creative arts therapies can help people with dementia socialise and express their grief
Visually expressing painful memories and feelings can help let things go.
Joanna Jaaniste, Western Sydney University
People with dementia can flourish and show creativity in ways they,
In preparation for our next public Dementia Awareness Presentations At Gerringong Bowling Club we have updated and prepared some short videos on our sensory problems.
Sense of Smell (You smell – we all smell!)
Making Sense so far (Food and Flavour)
For the full story- come along and join in the presentation.
Our first social get-together for the year will be this coming Thursday at Dennis’s home in Nowra. The BBQ will fire up at midday, so if you’d like a coffee and muffin before, then be there early. All are welcome.
See the flyer for details (2019 Feb)
If you need better directions give one of us a call (details on Flyer)
The following a series of articles republished from The Conversation.
The NDIS is delivering ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports for some, but others are missing out.
How to improve the NDIS for people who have an intellectual disability as well as a mental illness.
Why people with dementia don’t all behave the same
People with dementia experience a range of psychological symptoms and behaviour changes.
Lila Landowski, University of Tasmania
Dementia is the is the leading cause of death among Australian women and the third most common cause of death among men.
Reprinted from The Conversation -2/08/2018
Getting the temperature just right helps people with dementia stay cool
There are currently no rules to ensure that aged-care facilities provide a comfortable indoor environment.
University of Wollongong, CC BY-SA
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