Venue Assessment Tool


This resource is designed to assess venues and business premises to help make them more dementia assessable. This work is based on the E.A.T (Environmental Assessment Tool) available from Dementia Training Australia

The resource is in two parts – an assessment guide providing background knowledge and ideas of how you may implement as successful assessment of a venue and a separate workbook you can use to carry out the assessment.  The workbook is designed to be printed in A5 format so that it can easily be carried and used by most people.

The guide book can be viewed here as a searchable web page or downloaded as a printable pdf from here.

The workbook can be viewed here as a searchable web page or downloaded as a printable pdf from here.


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One comment on “Venue Assessment Tool
  1. Julie Tan says:

    Hi Dennis,
    I heard your presentation at the ADF. Well done! I am very interested to have a look at your assessment tool. However, the link to the pdf version of the workbook is for the guidebook instead. Wondering whether you could update the link. Thanks.

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